Staff & Advisors

SAFE Cities has a small, dedicated staff team, and many amazing volunteers and advisors who work to ensure that the policies we promote are as equitable and effective as possible.

SAFE Cities relies on skilled, dedicated volunteer organizers to drive our work forward. It’s impossible to recognize every person who’s contributed, and we are thankful to each and every member of our community and all the local groups that make up the SAFE organizing network.


arin de hoog

Arin de Hoog, Canada Communications Specialist

Headshot of Lana Goldberg

Lana Goldberg, Climate Campaigner - SAFE Cities Canada

Liz McDowell, SAFE Cities Canada Director

Logan McIntosh, SAFE Cities Director

Anne Pernick, SAFE Cities Senior Advisor

Headshot of Sunil Singal

Sunil Singal, Climate Campaigner - SAFE Cities Canada

Nathan Taft, Senior SAFE Cities Campaigner


Photo of Nicola Armacost

Nicola Armacost, Mayor, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY

cheryl davila

Cheryl Davila, Former Councilmember, Berkeley, CA, and Founder Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force (CEMTF)

Photo of Dominic Frongillo

Dominic Frongillo, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Elected Officials to Protect America, Former Councilmember and Deputy Supervisor of Caroline, New York

Robin Wilt, Councilmember, Brighton, NY

Andrea Reimer, Founder and Principal at Tawâw Strategies and former City Councillor of Vancouver, BC