Oftentimes, the first step a community will take toward joining the SAFE Cities movement is passing a resolution that declares their intention to phase out fossil fuels and fast track clean energy.

There are many ways for a community to start their journey toward phasing out fossil fuels. One of the simplest and most common is to pass a non-binding resolution declares a community’s intention to oppose fossil fuels expansion. This is frequently in the form of a climate emergency and can include community specific goals or endorsements for larger initiatives like a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Other, more advanced, options include Climate Action Plans that commit a community to exploring specific policy options, such as blocking new major fossil fuel infrastructure, electrifying buildings, or sourcing their energy from renewable sources.

However you go about it, a resolution is oftentimes the best way to join the SAFE Cities movement by allowing political leaders to ease their way into supporting policies that will transform and improve your community. Once passed, a resolution or Climate Action Plan can be referred back to and used as leverage to ensure your community continues along the path toward a fossil free future.

Examples of resolutions and action plans

Downtown Kansas City looking over Union Station from the Liberty Memorial.

Kansas City, Missouri

Despite being located in a state with a legislature hostile to climate action has found a way to join the SAFE Cities movement. In September of 2022, Kansas City moved forward with a robust Climate Protection & Resilience Plan that that will speed building electrification in a way that doesn't run afoul of Missouri's preemption law against gas bans.

Montreal Skyline from Mont Royal

Montreal, Quebec

In April of 2022 Montreal voted unanimously to endorse a Fossil Fuel Proliferation Treaty. They've followed up this commitment by officially beginning work on on a building electrification policy targeting new construction.

a train station in santa ana

Santa Ana, California

Santa Ana's resolution addressed the twin climate and environmental injustice crises by establishing clear processes to reduce the city's dependence on fossil fuels, remove lead from soil, expand green spaces, and bring jobs into its community. This resolution also made Santa Ana just the fourth city in the U.S. at the time to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and brought their city into alignment with the SAFE Cities movement's goal of stopping new fossil fuel infrastructure and implementing a just transition.

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