BRIEFING NOTE: Why getting off methane gas is right for communities
Published on October 24, 2022Debunking fossil fuel industry arguments against building electrification.

The growing SAFE Cities movement of local governments working to stop the expansion of all types of fossil fuel infrastructure. This includes building electrification, especially in new buildings, in the US and Canada.
The dangers of gas and other fossil fuels in our buildings are clear, as are the benefits of electrification.
Despite the need for, and effectiveness of, building electrification, the fossil fuel industry and their allies continue to aggressively oppose and obstruct building electrification policies. There is no way to meet most state and national emissions goals without building electrification and the movement to pass policies is growing quickly. The industry knows this and is working to offer false solutions and delay building electrification at every level of government.
Fortunately, more and more government leaders and advocates are taking action.
Scores of counties and districts across the US and Canada have taken steps to electrify homes and buildings to protect local health and safety and global climate and accelerate a just transition to renewable energy. Spurred on by the actions of local government leaders and advocates, states are now passing building electrification policies as well.
Building electrification can take a number of different forms, ranging from the complete prohibition of fossil fuel infrastructure in new construction and renovations to building emissions or efficiency requirements to policies to electrify existing buildings and more.
These places and policies are part of the growing SAFE Cities movement, which is working to pass local policies to stop the expansion of all types of fossil fuel infrastructure. To get involved, head over here.